
Eye Lazor Beams EX: Episode 5 Outtakes

BreakMan here, writing my name in a format that non-losers can read. But all joking aside, here's a little something to help take the sting off of your Monday.

Eye Lazor Beams EX Episode 5 Omake Reel: Outtakes
This outtakes episode ended up being about three times the length as the one for Episode 4. In this complete waste of time, you will hear:

- An extended version of FlashMan's rant about bad video game box art.
- Horrifying accapella renditions of some of the most beloved video game theme songs in history.
- Phones.
- Altoids.
- And more!


We're still planning all the big hush-hush stuff, as well as topics for future ELB EX episodes, so there's really a lot in the works right now. We'll be choosing guest speakers as we go, so if you've put your name on the list, we're definately keeping you in mind.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

MegaMatt SP said...

Can we start this whole thing over?