
Eye Lazor Beams EX: Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 4

FlashMan here, with the promised ELB EX episodes, and a new blog design. I like the banner, it's staying. The background will probably be changed, though...

EDIT 2/23/2008: Much better; I heavily edited this background today from an old file I had that I was going to use in a scrapped site design for FlashManEXE.com. I think it goes with the colors much better, personally.


Eye Lazor Beams EX Episode 1: The Return
This episode is the first of the EX episodes; and the topic is a top ten list-- our pick of the most difficult EXE series bosses.

Eye Lazor Beams EX Episode 2: "Classic" EXE vs. "New Style" EXE
With the obvious changes that took place in the transition from MegaMan Battle Network 3 to MegaMan Battle Network 4, we felt it was necessary to voice our thoughts on the canon EXE series games.

Eye Lazor Beams EX Episode 3: Our Favorite Anime
Breaking away from the standard fare of MegaMan related discussion, we decided to discuss our favorite anime series. A total of six of our favorites are featured, with reference to many more. As an added bonus, we also touched on some of our favorite classic series MegaMan games at the end.

Eye Lazor Beams EX Episode 4: Freestyle Chippin'
The first column with a special guest speaker; we jumped back into the MegaMan world. The legendary StenMan.EXE joined us for a "ye olden shtyle" rant about Battle Chips. A ton of in-jokes only older RMS members would get ensued; we don't expect you to get them all.

Eye Lazor Beams EX Episode 4 Omake Reel: Outtakes
An unusual treat; the blooper reel from the previous episode.

Can you hear the ocean too?

News update:
will be out soon; it's been recorded and is in editing as we speak. The topic is The Ten Worst Mega Man Games. Hope you're looking forward to it, it was a lot of hard work to make. ;-)

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